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Message from H.M

I take this opportunity to welcome all of you our beloved and distinguished students who are joining our school for the first time. We enormously thank you our dear parents for choosing and loving our school. Thank you for giving your daughter the opportunity to a quire new knowledge, for education is the best gift you can ever give to your child in this world. We promise to do our level best to give you quality service to our learners. Dear students, our motto being “ENLIGHTEN FOR THE FUTURE”, keep in mind that the Future is now and what you do today will determine and affect your future. It means that your future and your destiny depend on what you are doing today. I believe everyone is talented in their own way and you all have your own great God-given unique potential. Hence, believe in yourselves, always dream high and fly towards your dreams. You should have proper planning, arrangements and set clear and achievable goals for yourselves. Because if you have concrete planning, you are already on the road to success and prosperity. A fresh and healthy mindset is also important. Despite how well you have planned, you should have the tenacity to accept failure. In some aspects, you may fail and become frustrated, but never give up and have persistence. Don’t forget your dream and goals and the reality that you still can have a smart choice which is to learn from the failure and find out the solution and then overcome it when it appears again and once you are here, make better use of these school supporting measures to analyze and explore your talents in studying and learning something new. Meanwhile, dear students, we hope you will be self-disciplined and polite to everyone, to your instructors, your classmates, and your schoolmates, be sympathetic to the weak, say hello to everyone you meet every day, always show your smiles and concerns to people. We can aim for excellence, and meanwhile, we can live with love, respect, and concern. May God bless you all and help you in your future success. Thank you for choosing Rubaga Girls secondary school. A school for holistic approach to live. Feel at home and for we are always ready to serve you.